Category: Lifestyle

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Watch your step

Watch your step

I learned to walk when I was 2, and almost instinctively, I made it my life’s motto to “always watch my step.” Now that I am 30, and having lived most of my days walking and randomly stepping on dog poop, I can now say with adultlike conviction that sh*t happens.  It happens without warning...


Trainspotting down under

SYDNEY—Hours before sunrise last Aug. 19, a crowd of nearly a thousand people was reported to have gathered at the 1880s railway station in Sydenham, a suburb 8 kilometers south of this city’s central business district.  Trainspotters mingled with regular commuters at the new concourse to get on the 5 a.m. inaugural service of the...


The American potato’s 7,000-mile adventure

First, you put all the dry ingredients in a big stainless bowl—200 grams of standard potato granules, 250g of all-purpose flour, and 3g of salt. Once they’re incorporated, you can form a well in the center for the wet ingredients—four eggs, 200 milliliters of water. Mix until everything coagulates into a stiff dough. You massage...


So you wish to win the lotto

No, I haven’t won the lotto—or not yet. But is it possible to really pray hard and manifest winning the lotto? How? My friend DM, almost 80, boasts that in his younger years he won five of the six-digit lotto combination at least thrice. He claims that he did it through the prayer and meditative...

To buy or not to buy

To buy or not to buy

Whenever I think of buying something, I try to be guided by the question “Do I really need it?” Almost always, the answer is “I don’t need it.” Not need in a physical, survival, existential sense, as I do have my basics covered. But for some reason or other, I want it. Want not necessarily...


Freedom of choice and no-choice

“Managing the power of choice, with all its creative and spiritual implications, is the essence of human experience. All spiritual teachings are directed toward inspiring us to recognize that the power to make choices is the dynamic that converts our spirits into matter, our words into flesh. Choice is the process of creation itself.”  —Caroline...


Over a hot stove: ‘Ube halaya’ and love’s labors

I was born into a transnational extended family. My father, the eldest among his siblings, married before his brother (younger by only a year), was drafted into the US Navy. As a consequence, slowly, the brother and his parents and seven other siblings eventually came to live in the United States.  We, the family of...


Be grateful, we’re not nothing at all

Most people would prefer hankering first for a fruition of what they want in order to be happy. As if, for them, happiness is a destination to be arrived at, a “there” and not a “here” or “now.” Seemingly, they can only be truly happy when they have attained their desired goals, when they have...