Tag: Bajo de Masinloc

Home » Bajo de Masinloc

Filipino fishers continue to struggle amid China’s intensifying aggression

SAN SALVADOR ISLAND—With a piece of chalk, Christopher de Vera Sr. marked the sketch of a triangle-shaped Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal on the board, labeling the entrance in the east and pointing out where Chinese vessels are often seen on patrol. Laughter filled the venue of the meeting, a classroom of San Salvador High School in...


Atin Ito marchers denounce China’s ‘acts of aggression’

On the eve of the 126th anniversary of Philippine Independence, hundreds of activists, fishers and their supporters marched to the Chinese consulate in Makati City in protest against China’s incursions into the West Philippines (WPS), warning Beijing not to underestimate the Filipinos’ resolve to resist foreign aggressors. “China will not intimidate us,” said Akbayan Party...


Jubilation, relief, and a little disappointment on the West Philippine Sea

Jubilant, relieved, but a bit disappointed at not coming close to Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal. That was how some people felt at the end of last week’s small flotilla of the “Atin Ito” coalition that had for its mission to supply food and fuel to fishermen at Bajo de Masinloc...


‘Atin Ito’ heads back; ‘Mission accomplished!’

ABOARD THE FB AGUIAN—With at least three Chinese Coast Guard ships threatening their main convoy of four fishing boats flying Philippine flags, “Atin Ito” leaders decided on Thursday not to pursue its final task of resupplying Filipino fishers at Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal and Panatag Shoal).  The seeming premature end of...


Chinese Coast Guard ships dog ‘Atin Ito’ mission

ABOARD THE FB AGUIAN—There’s no “smooth sailing” for the “Atin Ito” (This is Ours) mission voyaging to the West Philippine Sea to fish, bring food and other provisions to Filipino fishers there, or simply be part of a peaceful journey to assert Philippine sovereign rights at Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal and...


Footprints on Scarborough Shoal

On May 17, 1997, the first group of journalists embarked on an extraordinary expedition to this triangle-shaped coral reef now part of long-running geopolitical tension between the Philippines and China. It was a place few had heard of, let alone visited, at a time when the world was still grappling with dial-up internet and flip...