The show will go on even if Tito, Vic and Joey (TVJ) have yet to reclaim the name “Eat Bulaga” from their former producer. Vicente “Tito” Sotto, one of the three original hosts of the country’s longest-running television variety show (the other two being his brother Vic Sotto and Joey de Leon), said on Sunday...
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Home » Vic Sotto
June 5, 2023September 3, 2023Film/TV
Where will ‘Eat Bulaga’ make a new home?
By June 7, “Eat Bulaga” hosts Vicente “Tito” Sotto III, his brother Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon would have “formally” decided on the media network to air their 44-year-old noontime television show that was shut down by its erstwhile producer last May 31. Sotto, a former Senate president, told on Saturday that he...