Tag: Charter change

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2028 election too far off for anyone to claim to be the future prez – Pulse Asia

Vice President Sara Duterte and Sen. Raffy Tulfo were statistically tied in a recent survey showing Filipinos’ preference for a presidential candidate, but neither can claim to be the candidate to beat in the 2028 presidential election.    “I don’t think anyone here can safely say he or she is going to be the president because...


Only Supreme Court can resolve ‘Achilles’ heel’ of Charter change resolutions, legal luminaries say

Only the Supreme Court can resolve the issue of whether Congress should meet jointly and vote separately in the current contentious effort to amend the Constitution, legal luminaries said at a forum held at the University of the Philippines on March 14.  “We can save much time and effort if this is resolved once and...


1987 Charter ‘imperfect’ but carries safeguards vs instability, framer says

When politicians tried to have their way in the crafting of the 1973 Constitution, they were met with street protests in the tumultuous early years of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.’s regime. The writing on the wall was very clear. Filipinos “didn’t want politicians to be involved in the drafting of the Constitution,” human rights activist Edmundo...


Student leaders stand against Cha-cha

In January-March 1970, youth and student organizations and their allies among workers, farmers and religious groups held numerous rallies and other forms of protest across the country in what became known as the First Quarter Storm of 1970 against the decades-old sociopolitical ills plaguing the nation. One of their major demands was a nonpartisan constitutional...


‘Relive Edsa, Junk Cha-cha’ is the rallying cry

Delisting the February 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution as a national holiday is bad enough; attempting to tinker yet again with its “legacy,” the 1987 Constitution, to push the interests of politicians is even worse.   Moved by that common stand, dozens of civil society groups have banded together to resist any mode of Charter change...


‘Economic Cha-cha’ is sweeping the political dance floor

The plot thickens with the Senate announcing full participation in the planned activity of the moment: the amendment of the Constitution.  Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri’s surprise filing on Jan. 15 of Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6 proposing the amendment of certain economic provisions represents a stronger than usual push for Charter change....


Challenge to Congress: Easing of bank secrecy is necessary for economic Charter change

With calls for Charter change (Cha-cha) once more gaining traction, the Foundation for Economic Freedom issued this statement last Jan. 4: “Economic Cha-cha is necessary but not enough. Other conditions, such as rule of law, good infrastructure and ease of doing business, among others, must be present to compete with other countries in attracting foreign...