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Be grateful, we’re not nothing at all

Most people would prefer hankering first for a fruition of what they want in order to be happy. As if, for them, happiness is a destination to be arrived at, a “there” and not a “here” or “now.” Seemingly, they can only be truly happy when they have attained their desired goals, when they have...


Save your pets in this extreme weather

“If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet.”  That’s a general rule that Anna Cabrera, executive director of the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), wishes to relay to those who are worrying about the wellbeing of their pets in the extreme heat currently being experienced nationwide.  The temperature is not expected...


Smelling good (without going into debt to buy French perfume)

I used to have a keen sense of smell. It’s probably a vestigial faculty from my ancestors who, as hunter-gatherers in the wild of Panay, needed all their five senses heightened. But my nose has been dulled by age, Metro Manila’s pollution, and my own careless olfactory experiments.  Once, I almost killed myself by being...


Finding our way to happiness amid life’s difficulties

In my study of philosophy, I have learned from a few thinkers and philosophers who wrestled with finding meaning—and, thus, happiness—in the hardness of life, whence struggles and challenges are “sine qua non” (literally, “cannot be without”). The German existentialist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in positing that humans suffer for a reason, argued that we can...


Each of us is unique, good, true and beautiful

Way back in my seminary philosophical study in ontology (a branch of metaphysics that deals with the study of “being, existence, and reality”), there’s this Latin maxim, “Ens est unum, bonum, verum, et pulchrum.” Every being is one, good, true and beautiful. More often than not, we wish to be like others or even better than our...


In the Year of the Wood Dragon, ‘our success rests in our hands’

A fast-paced year of opportunities and challenges: This is how feng shui master Hanz Cua describes the coming Year of the Wood Dragon.  Chinese New Year 2024, which starts on Feb. 10, is very different from the past Rabbit year, according to Cua. “The Dragon represents assertiveness and energy, in contrast to the Rabbit which...


My babies forever and always

I remember a rainy afternoon. I was sitting next to the window, drinking hot chocolate as an alternative to coffee because I was pregnant with my fourth child. I stared outside and watched the raindrops falling to the ground. I could hear my three other children laughing and playing in the living room. On some...