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Assessing the global state of climate and environmental journalism

Censorship and misinformation take many different forms. When it comes to climate and environmental journalism, censorship can be enforced by governments or state-controlled media and mis/disinformation actively spread by bad actors. But good information is also skewed by self-imposed censorship in the face of threats, and journalists’ misguided efforts to produce a “balanced” story.  The...


Footprints on Scarborough Shoal

On May 17, 1997, the first group of journalists embarked on an extraordinary expedition to this triangle-shaped coral reef now part of long-running geopolitical tension between the Philippines and China. It was a place few had heard of, let alone visited, at a time when the world was still grappling with dial-up internet and flip...

Media criticism linked to low trust in news—Digital News Report 2023

Media criticism linked to low trust in news—Digital News Report 2023

An overwhelming majority of adult Filipinos have come across people criticizing journalists or the news media in the country, with nearly half of them tagging politicians and ordinary people as the leading sources. The high level of criticism is associated with low trust in the media in the Philippines and several other countries, according to...